Friday, April 6, 2007

global warming is great! when you have access to air conditioning...

A report released today by the Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change (a UN Panel) has proclaimed that poor people will be hurt most by global warming, aka climate change. Hmmm... that's weird. It never works out that the people with the least power to change something are the most affected...

The report states that:

  • Observational evidence from all continents and most oceans shows that many natural systems are being affected by regional climate changes, particularly temperature increases.
  • A global assessment of data since 1970 has shown it is likely that anthropogenic warming has had a discernible influence on many physical and biological systems.
  • Other effects of regional climate changes on natural and human environments are emerging, although many are difficult to discern due to adaptation and non-climatic drivers.

Check out the interactive map on the BBC website.

PS. If you haven't seen An Inconvenient Truth... uh, you should -- no matter what you think about Mr. Gore.

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