Sunday, March 11, 2007

preemptive FAQ

1. Why 'my silence is your comfort'?

Ever since I was 14, I have been speaking out against injustices. Some find it easier to stay silent, I find it a necessity to speak up and inform when necessary. Change is impossible without rabble-rousers. But those that benefit from the status-quo get very uncomfortable with rabble-rousing. To paraphrase Harriet Woods, "Quality people aren't threatened by equality".

2. What does 'cambioymuerte' mean?

It comes from the lyrics of an Ozomatli song:

"En la vida hay dos cosas ciertas: son la muerte y el cambio"

[In life there are two certain things: death and change]

I switched it around because before I die, I'm dead set on making change. (pun intended)

3. So, cambio, what do you plan on doing with this here blog?

I will be posting news, pictures, etc. that I come across throughout my day... the kind of stuff that people try to silence... don't want to talk about... or wanna pretend doesn't happen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey - neat new digs... drop by and see us as well:

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