Sunday, October 28, 2007

be bold be red

Remember the fright associated with Halloween when you were a kid? Not only was fear of razor blades in apples invoked in you but the ever present fear of ghosts, goblins and witches was at its highest on this night.

Do you know what its like to be afraid, like really afraid? The kind of afraid where you can't open your mouth because if you do either no words will spill out or you'll scream... and neither will help you survive? The kind of fear that overwhelms your sanity and takes over your every movement/thought/breath? The kind of fear that makes you sick... like when you eat too much Halloween candy?

Do you know what it's like to be told "it's just your imagination" or "you're being silly" or "stop telling stories"? Why is it that on Halloween, fear is fun, violence is imaginary and kids ask adults for a trick or a treat?

Be bold be red is taking back halloween, and calling it what it is: "Halloween is about “fake” and “imagined” terrors, the violence committed against women of color is very “real.” Not only is it a “real” reality on October 31st, but it’s also a “real” terror for the rest of the year." documents some of the recent incidences of violence against women of color and urges folks to wear red on Wednesday, October 31st. The site lists rallies and other actions going on around the country and lists a variety of resources for women of color and their allies in the movement to end violence and stop the silence.


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say, I had a look around and this is one of the best blogs I have seen in a very long time.

Well done..

jane said...

thanks, anonymous. i appreciate hearing from you. i wish i had more time to blog...

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